BIT Mesra MCA admission 2014

Applications have been invited from eligible candidates for admission to the 3-year (6-semester) full-time MCA programme of Academic Year 2014-2017 at Mesra, and its Extension Centres at Allahabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lalpur and Noida.

1) Candidates must have passed with minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average of all subjects in Class 10.

2) Candidates must have passed with minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average of all subjects in Class 12 / Equivalent Examination. The candidates must have passed in Mathematics / Computer Science / Information Practices as one of the subject in Class 12 / Equivalent Examination.

3) Candidates must hold a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent qualification of any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislatures in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India / AIU. This degree must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling [Class 12 or equivalent] (10+2+3 system).

4) Candidates must have one of following qualifications:
a) Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), or
b) B.Sc. in Computer Science / Information Technology / Electronics, or
c) B.Sc. with Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at graduate level.

5) Candidates of B.Sc. Honours must have minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average in their Honours subject. Candidates of BCA and other graduate courses must have minimum 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in average in graduation, marks to be computed as average of marks obtained in ALL subjects in which candidate has appeared.

6) Candidates appearing for final examinations of their Bachelor’s programme in 2014 can also apply, provided they have obtained requisite marks or equivalent (as per item 5 above) based on latest available grades / marks at the time of applying, and if selected can join the programme provisionally. At the time of the document verification cum admission such an applicant must bring a certificate in original from the Principal of Institute stating that:
a) by 30 June 2014, S/he will have appeared for examination in all subjects required for obtaining his/her Bachelor’s degree.

b) S/he has obtained requisite marks or equivalent (as per item (5) above), based on latest available grades / marks. Their admission will be confirmed only when they submit the mark sheet and a certificate of having passed the Bachelor's degree / equivalent qualification with requisite marks as per item (5) above. They must submit proof of passing their final examinations with requisite marks by 31 October 2014. Non-fulfillment of this condition will automatically result in the cancellation of the provisional admission.

7) Candidates with qualifications acquired through correspondence or distance-learning programmes are eligible only if (a) the programmes are recognized by the DEC-IGNOU, (b) they have passed the qualifying examination at the time of applying, with minimum 50% marks in average (45% for SC/ST) calculated as per item (5) above. They must enclose photocopies of pass certificate and marksheets of qualifying examination with their application. [Appearing candidate in distance learning programmes, whose results are yet to be declared, are not eligible to apply].

Selection Procedure:
The Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, will use an Online Entrance Test for shortlisting candidates for admission to its 3-year (6-semester) full-time MCA programme 2014 at Mesra, Ranchi, and it’s Campuses at Allahabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lalpur, and Noida. The MCA 2014 Online Entrance Test will be held on 31 May 2014 & 1 June 2014 (Saturday & Sunday) at various Test Centres as follows: Allahabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Patna, Noida, and Ranchi.

How to Apply:
To apply for the MCA programme 2014, eligible candidates must complete and submit the online application form on website
Pay application fee for Rs.2,500/- (General candidates) or Rs.1,500 /- (SC/ST candidates) in favour of “Birla Institute of Technology” through E-Challan [printable while filling online form] in a SBI / ICICI bank within the given time period.
Send a printout of the completed form along with required enclosures (see List of Enclosures) in a A4 size envelope by Speedpost / reliable courier (means by which sender may track its movement on internet) to the office of Dean, Admission & Academic Coordination, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi – 835215, to reach positively by the due date Write “Application for MCA 2014 on top of the envelope”.

Important Dates:
Filling of online form closes on: 25 April 2014
Last date for receipt of printouts of duly completed online forms + Demand Drafts: 30 April 2014
DATES FOR MCA 2013 ONLINE ENTRANCE TEST: 31 May 2014 & 1 June 2014 Saturday & Sunday
Admit card will be available on the Institute website after 16 May 2014

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